Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Second Reading Response by Demitrius Hilerio

   In the book "Bystander" by James Preller the main character Eric is a Bystander in a few bullying situations because he is friends with the bully himself. Eric doesn't know this at first then discovers this later on in the book. The bully is Griffin. Eric's feelings for Griffin change throughout the events that occur in the book. Griffin does things that makes Eric think different of him and avoid him.
  At the beginning of the book Eric feels that he can trust Griffin and that truly he is his true friend. Eric felt that he couldn't reveal something about himself so secret like his father to anyone but Griffin. "Sure, Griffin was a different kind of guy, there was no question about that. He had his rough edges. He wasn't like his old friends back in Ohio. But for one day, during those few hours, Griffin was what Eric needed. He was, Eric believed, a friend." (Page 60) This quote is important because it explains what Eric wanted whiches was a friend but it also explains that he thought Eric was a different type of friend, which is something he needed. This quote also explains only during that time of that day was when Griffin was actually acting like a true friend towards Eric. This shows that even though Eric didn't know much about Griffin for that time in the book he really thought he could trust Griffin.
  During the middle of the book Eric gets suspicious and starts to find out a little more about Griffin that changed his feelings towards Griffin. For example during one part of the book Griffin beats up a boy name David Hallenback and Eric stands on the side and watches and talks to Griffin after the situation is over. " 'Hallenback's fine,' Griffin snapped. 'Besides, he won't say much. He knows better than that.' Eric measured his words carefully. 'It just seemed . . . unnecesary.'" " 'Shut up, Eric. Or maybe next time it will be you.' " (Page 82) This part of the book shows that Griffin be very aggressive when enraged. This part of the book also shows that Eric is starting to see that Griffin has another side that Eric doesn't know about until this part of the book. At this point in the book Eric knows how Griffin can act towards people and he is a little more alert of what he says or does around Griffin.

  During the end of the book Eric is irritated with Griffin's act. Eric learns that Griffin will go very far to bother and enfuriate someone and make them furious until they feel publicly embarrassed. I know this because in one part of the book Griffin reports to the principal that Eric has a knife in his locker. Then the pricipal checks Eric's locker and sees that he doesn't have one. Eric then shows that he is angry with Griffin. "His body vibrated with anger, knees pumping, feet tapping. Why would Griffin, if it was Griffin, put Eric through that? Just to embarass him?"(Page 176) This part of the story shows that Eric now knows the truth about Griffin and how far he will go to embarass Eric. By this part of the book Eric knows Griffi is the good listener or good friend that he thought he was.

  All in all Griffin does things throughout the book that changes the way Eric feels about him. Eric goes from thinking Griffin's a good friend from being a little alerted about what he says around to completely being annoyed with Griffin. The character change in the book can relate to my life because this book shows that a person can seem like something they're really not. This book also relates to my life because it tells to find a friend that you can really connect to not a friend that can be aggressive towards you.

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