Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Inquiry Question Response

    Our group's inquiry question was "What does character change teach us?" So in my book these two  main characters are first innocent and think their lives are perfectly normal. Later in the book thay find out their family is an ancient egyptian family after this is found out then unordinary things start happening. For example a small statue starts to move and talk. This taught me that somethings may seem wierd or unordinary at first but later in your life this thing might seem normal. For example later in this book Sadie and Carter start getting used to seeing wierd ancient egyptian gods, goddesses, magic items, and more.
    This inquiry question can be very useful for Sci-Fi or fiction books like the "Lightning Thief Series"

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 Upfront magazine "Smoke Signals" Article By Alessandra Potenza

   In my opinion e-cigarettes are as bad as regular cigarettes. I think this because young men and women may think that just because they don't have tobacco doesn't mean that it won't be addictive still for smokers. Acording to the article "Harvey isn't alone. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the share of young people using e-cigarettes doubled in 2012 from the previous year. That worries U.S. health officials, who for decades have been making progress in helping people quit smoking-19 percent of adults smoke cigarettes today, versus 42 percent in 1965-or preventing them from starting in the first place."
   Another reason I think e-cigarettes are as bad as regular cigarettes because people stil get addicted to smoking and plus these companies put flavors in the e-cigarettes so yhey can give smokers more pleasure from smoking which influences people to continue smoking e-cigarettes.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 The Red Pyramid

    In the book the red pyramid by Rick Riordan two characters Sadie and Carter are pulled into their family's secret life. In this story these characters come from ancient families and their father gets captured and trapped in a different realm. Now they must be taken to safety by their uncle Amos.
   Uncle Amos explains all the things Sadie and Carter must know about their own lives. And this is when they find out all of the ancient legends they have learned about are real. All of these legends are supported with evidence from the worlld around them. Cats turn into humans and little statues can talk and give advice. 
   These changes affect their lives alot and this is not all they are still in store for lots of suprises.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 Character Change

     In Drums Girls and Dangerous pie Steven has changed alot. Before Jeffrey was diagnosed with leukemia Steven was complaining about jeffreys behavior.
     For example Steven used to stay away from Jeffrey because he felt his little brother was very obnoxious. But lots of stuff changed now that Jeffrey is diagnosed with leukemia. For example Steven has been deppresed. He also have not been doing his school work. This also affects other characters too. For example Annette has been being really nice to Steven. And Renne is worried about Steven so she told the teachers about Stevens secret.
     Steven also picked a bad habbit: bargaining. Steven basically makes deals with himself. For example he will think to himself "If I start to do my schoolwork again then Jefferys leukemia will be  cured."
     Before this I don't think Steven would've spent alot of time with Jeffrey but now Steven plays with Jefferey alot to make Jeffrey feel better.
     This character change shows that one person can affect another severly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Live Life To The Fullest By Demitrius Hilerio class 707

       "I don't know where they are" my mom said aggravated. It was a warm spring day and it was also easter. The plan for this day was to go bowling with my uncle and my cousin. But currently we were trying to get to the bowling alley but we didn't know where to go so we found ourselves in Staten Island driving around. And by the way I forgot to tell you I was with my mom, my brother, my other uncle.
      Of course we didn't think anything bad would happen on easter but we were all very wrong. As we drove off the Verezano bridge we were talking about not showing up to the bowling alley and going somewhere else. So this automatically was our new plan. My mom got off on an exit so we can go back to Brooklyn and do something else. "Crap we have to go all the way around this street block just to get back on the Verezano bridge" my mom said with even more aggravation. As we drove down the street suddenly there was a feel of lots of impact on the car. It felt like the moment was in slow-motion. The world was spinning around me and my head swung back and went full speed ahead which made me hit the top of my head on the headrest in front of me.
       Then the world went full speed as if someone pressed play on a remote. I started to cry because the aching pain on the top of my head. Everyone in the car got out to see what had just happened except me. I was too busy crying my head off to get out of the car with my family. I suddenly heard sirens from the ambulance truck getting louder as it approached. As I was crying one of the paramedics from the ambulance truck came in our car and put me on a stretcher and then into a ambulance truck.
        The ambulance ride was quiet. If someone were to drop a penny everyone would hear it drop. As soon as the ambulance truck arrived at the hospital the paramedics opened up the back doors of the ambulance truck and carried the stretcher to the floor. Then I was pulled into the hospital.
                                                                          *  *  *
        After the doctors checked me to see if anything was wrong or if I was okay I was laying down in a hospital bed. I was laying down for a while when my dad and my grandma came in. "Boy am I happy to see them: I thought.
         I was happy to see my family again and eventually I recovered from my injury. From this experience I've learned in life you have to expect the unexpected because anything can happen. I also learned to live life to the fullest because I rather die knowing I had a happy and a fun life yhan a bad one.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 Final "The Outsiders" By S.E. Hinton Response

      After Johnny's death lots of interesting things happen to the characters. Well first of all after Ponyboy and Dally win the rumble they go to see Johnny in the hospital because Johnny was getting worse (Johnny was close to dying). When they arrive to the hospital Dally threatens the doctor to go into the emergency room to see Johnny. When Ponyboy and Dally finally enter the emergency room Johnny is very close to dying. After Dally telling Johnny about how they won the rumble Johnny tells Ponyboy to stay gold. Sadly Johnny dies.
         After this like I said it gets interesting Dally has an emotional breakdown and runs towards "Certain death". Dally soon gets killed by the cops. The reason for this is Dally has always loved Johnny. Dally had nothing to love or anything to care about except Johnny. So since Johnny died Dally felt he had nothing to live for. This also makes me understand why Dally didn't get upset at Johnny for telling Dally to stop bothering Cherry and Marcia.
          Dally was not the only one affected Johnny's Death. Ponyboy was also affected. Ponyboy is going through denial. He cannot face the fact that Johnny has died. But the amazing part about this is Ponyboy is getting more support from his brother Darry. Darry is started to be more sympathetic and understand everyone makes mistakes.
         After all of this drama in the storyline there is still one more problem Soda, Darry, and Ponyboy have to go to court. Because they have to fight to be united and live together which does happen. Ponyboy definetly has a different opinion of each character by the of the book. I understand now as a reader that each person that reads this book gets to understand each character's personality.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio class 707 Reading Response

    In "The Outsiders" By S.E. Hinton Ponyboy is noticing how much he needs Johnny. I think Ponyboy is realizing how much of a good friend Johnny is. If Johnny dies in the book Ponyboy will be devasted and severly affected by this loss. I think Ponyboy is going through denial because he cannot accept the fact that Johnny has a big chance of dying from his third degree burns from the church incident. I think Dally cares about Johnny alot more than anyone in the gang. I know this because at the begining of the book when Johnny stood up to Dally and told him to stop bothering Cherry and Marcia. If Johnny does die I think Dally will be devastated.

   Johnny seems scared of possibly dying. For example when Johnny was laying down on the bed he told Ponyboy that he always thought about killing himself but now that he actually might die he is scared. What I have been wondering for a while is if Johnny's parents are going to atleast go to the hospital to see Johnny. And if so how Johnny's parents react to his injury will they care and treat Johnny better or will they just act as they did when Johnny is home with his parents.

   So many questions gnawing at me when reading the recent important events in the book.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 ''The Outsiders'' By S.E. Hinton Reading Response

       Even though Im not done reading this book I notice the main character Ponyboy goes through lots of struggles throughout his life. For example losing his mom and dad in a car accident. And not having lots of money. And lots more. Ponyboy is lucky he has a group of friends that have related issues. When reading this book I notice that the author S.E. Hinton sneaks lots of lessons and messages. One message I notice that is very important is everyone has a bad issue in their life.     
       What made me think of this message is the part when Cherry Valence told Ponyboy that the Socs have issues too. ''I'll tell you something, Ponyboy, and it may come as a suprise. We have troubles you've never even heard of. You want to know something? She looked me straight in the eye. "Things are rough all over." (Page 33-34) The reason I think this message is important is because Ponyboy always thinks about how unlucky he is to be "poor" and how it's unfair.

     Ponyboy also thinks that his brother Darry would get rid of him if he could. On one hand Ponyboy won't understand that it's hard for Darry to take care of Ponyboy and Sodapop. But on the other hand Darry has to understand that Ponyboy is younger than him and he shouldn't say things like Ponyboy doesn't use his head. And Darry shouldn't of hit Ponyboy even if it was a mistake.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio Class 707 Upfront Magazine ''Has the Arab Spring Failed'' Response''

      I think the arab spring should be considered a failiure because there's lots of violence being involved in the arab spring. This did't make anything better it only made everything worse. In the text they mentioned what happened. ''Security forces used armored vehicles vehicles, bulldozers, tear gas, birdshot, live ammunition, and snipers to raze encampments of protesters who supported the deposed Islamist president. The confrontation lasted more than 12 hours and turned parts of cairo into a war zone. More than 600 people were killed and close to 4,000 injured.'' (page 6 upfont magazine) This quote from the text shows how violent the arab spring got. This got protesters no where.

   I think the region cannot achieve democratic reforms over time because there was so many protesters and people died because of this. There was so much damage done they will not recover until they get a new ruler that the people of the arab world prefer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Demitrius Hilerio class 707 Upfront Magazine ''Where Your Cellphone Goes To Die'' Response

     The artical ''Where Your Phone Goes To Die'' is about cellphones that are thrown out and replaced. These cellphone manufacturers pay countries to get rid of electronic waste. This is unaccecptable because these electronics have things that are bad for human life. For example the text clearly states that some stuff in phones are bad for you. ''The World Organization reports that even a low level of exposure to lead, cadmium, and mercury-all of which can be found in old phones-can cause irreversible neurological damage and threaten the development of a child.'' ( Upfront Magazine page 10 ).

    These cellphone manufacturers can make a phone recycle system able to be recycled as stated on page 11. ''Changing the way phone companies do buisness could also be beneficial to producers and users. For example, manufacturers could sell products complete with a prearranged recycling service or with subscriptions that make it possible for customers to exchange old phones for new ones rather than throwing them away.'' ( Upfront Magazine page 11 )

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reading Response by Demitrius Hilerio Class 707


       In books that I read the author can use literary devices and/or craft. The authors do thiis for multiple
reasons. For example authors use literary devices to give the reader a better idea or vision of whats
happening in the story.  A author can describe the taste of something by talking about a totally unrelated
topic. But this still can give the reader a better visual of what is happening in the story.

In books authors also use craft. Craft is internal thinking dialouge and more. Craft can give the reader
lots of info about certain characters in a story. For example when reading books there will be parts
when a character has a piece of dialouge that is important. The author does this to understand the character's personality. The author also uses craft to let the reader know how each character interacts or feels for towards each other. An author can use craft to show important physical actions in a book. Like when the author includes a part with a physical action that can affect the main character or any other character in the story.

Friday, September 27, 2013

My Name By Demitrius Hilerio

  I have interesting name. One that is so interesting I have only heard it once. My name is Demitrius.

And to me my name very diverse and juicy like a suculant steak.

  My mom told me I got my name from one of her old co-workers. She said that she has always liked

my name. After a while I gotten lots of nicknames for example Demi, Demitch and plenty more. I have

problem with these nicknames I just have to try to keep track of all of them. My most common

nicname is Demi. Almost my whole family calls me that. One of the cool parts about my name is that

my name is a greek name meaning world peace.

      Lots of people likes to change their names when they get the chance. But in my opinion I do not

think it is right to change our names as human beings.We all were given our names for a reason. I

would never change my name for me my name is special and I don't think I would be able to figure out

a different name for myself.

   My name is special and diverse but the best part is when other people say my name. For example if I

get a new teacher that teacher can give me another nickname. I would never change my name mainly

because my name represents me.

Monday, September 16, 2013

ELA Summer Reading Response

ELA Summer Reading Response                                                                                             Class 707

    The book ''My Life Undecided'' by Jessica Brody was a different type of book for me. This book was book was based on a different type of topic most books do not have. This book was filled with difficult descisions that made me think things like ''What if I was in this situation? What descions would I make?" Throughout this book I would try to debate what descision Brooklyn (The main character) would make before she even made a descion. Like the part of the book when Brooklyn had to debate whether to go out with Hunter or Brian. When it came to this descision in the book I kept thinking of evidence in my mind who she would go out with and why. This book had a lot of interesting moments so when I was reading those moments I was envisioning what was happening in the book in my head. I got so lossed in the book I felt like I was in the book and all the events in the book were ocuring around me while I was reading. These moments made me really think about all of the characters and how they affected Brooklyn. This book made me think about Brooklyn struggling figuring out tough descisions. I noticed that Shayne (Brooklyn's ex-bestfriend) was not Brooklyn's friend after all. Deep down Shayne was conceited and all she thought was herself.